The Global Status Bar is a full width view across the top of an application — an area commonly reserved for global status, global command and top-level navigation. The Global Status Bar often includes: Application Name, Monitoring Icons, Top Level Navigation and an Emergency Button.
Rules of Thumb
Make Monitoring Icons interactive to reveal in-depth information.
Make sure that Monitoring Icons use color coding, iconography, and labels consistent with the standard design.
Include the name of the application.
Appearance and Behavior
Simplest Global Status Bar - Only include the App Name.Simple Global Status Bar - App Name and Emergency Shut Off.More Complex Global Status Bar - App Name, Status Icons and Emergency Shut Off.
Figure 5.1.1: Most Complex Global Status Bar - App Name, Navigation, Monitoring Icons and Emergency Shut Off.
When using the alternate light theme in Astro, the Global Status Bar and all of the elements it contains still use the default dark theme styling.
Do: Correctly and consistently utilize the standard elements that comprise the Global Status Bar.Don’t: Use icons, labels and colors incorrectly.Do: Left justify the application name and Top Level Nav (when utilized). Right justify Icons and Emergency Shut Off (when utilized).Don’t: Use the Global Status Bar for controls or indications that come and go with different app modes. Reserve it for truly global elements.